
Jamie K. Corbin

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Teaching Kids Hard History — Reading Writing & Raising Allies

Dear Ally, Thank you for giving me really good reasons to keep going with this work. It’s been a heavy couple of weeks (ahem, years?) and I am finding the more I push into this work of raising up allies, something that me purpose and joy, the more sensitive I have become to the weight of it all. I’m grateful for the allies who have stepped into my discouragement to tell me it’s okay to rest, bring me London Fogs, and remind me that I can’t just grit my teeth and do this work alone, Luisa...

// Intention vs. Impact// Happy New Year, fellow allies! I did my best to stay away from social media over the holidays, but you know Kelvin couldn't keep from sharing the “highlights” with me. I was not amused when he sent this text: Dear God, please no. He laughed while I just shook my head. Too soon! Then, on the first day of 2022 we found ourselves in urgent care with our youngest—who ended up being totally fine and had the audacity to wake up the next morning acting like she hadn’t just...

Hi, friends! There is something about this time of year that makes white saviorism come to mind…maybe it’s the lack of diverse representation in St. Nicholas imagery or the over abundance of white baby Jesus nativity figurines, but I have been doing a lot of eyebrow raising lately and wanted to share with you all: 1. About when white saviorism came up in my own allyship journey 2. A quick Q&A (we will address the what, why, and how) 3. Thoughts about how to help your kids avoid white...